"8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! 10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!" - Romans 5:8-10

Friday, July 27, 2012

Sin by Any Other Name

I was already going to blog about homosexuality and all the hype about gay marriage/union/rights, and then came along the whole Chick-fil-a scandal. First, I would like to be perfectly clear that I don't feel hatred or even anger toward homosexuals, nor am I homophobic. I understand that homosexuals are, in fact, people too. I realize that they contribute to society, they work hard, and most are probably good and loving people. I am opposed to gay marriage, but I'm not more opposed to it than any other sins.

I have to make it clear that homosexuality (the act of it) is sinful (1  Cor. 6:9-10, Rom 1:24-27, Lev 18:22). That isn't something that I see reasonable to argue about. Whether there is a "gay gene" or not, I'm not the expert, but it seems as though some are much more susceptible to being attracted to the same sex. Is that wrong? I think it is clear that only lusting or physically engaging someone homosexually is the sin, not the attraction. It is the same as me liking woman, but not lusting after them. The thing is though, God's design is not gay marriage. You can be mad at me for that, but it's not me you need to fight. I would also just like to say this: I see that it would be incredible hard if someone were to tell me that it was wrong for me to love my wife. I understand why there is such an uproarious defense. However, if God is telling me that the way I live is wrong, I have no choice to respond to this God.

I think there is a much bigger, over-arching problem than simply gay marriage. There is a lack of love, and a lack of communication. Both sides won't admit to doing wrong, both sides are unwilling to listen, and both sides aren't showing much love to each other. So allow me to do my miniscule part to clear the air.

First, Chick-fil-a. I think the whole situation is idiotic. Just because they support the Biblical idea of family, doesn't mean they hate gay folks. I certainly don't hate gay people, you would be crazy to assume that. This has been blown way out of proportion and doesn't even deserve this paragraph! Cities have the right to rid themselves of whatever business they want, and so does every individual. They have the right, but not a good reason. It's slightly ironic that Christians are most often deemed "hypocrites" when this is one of the most hypocritical moves I've seen from the secular world. It is just as hateful to try and shut out Chick-fil-a for its beliefs. Chicago, Boston, Philly, etc. want to exclude CFA, but CFA is not excluding anyone by stating their beliefs. Seems silly. I am sick of hearing about it, and I'm not going to give it any more attention.

One thing that proponents of same-sex marriage are claiming is that by not allowing them to get married, they are being treated in a sub-human way with sub-human rights. That sounds like a cry from a highly emotional teenage girl. It seems incredibly fallacious to me... It may surprise you, but I'm actually not sure if I care whether gay marriage is legalized. It doesn't make it any less/more sinful, it doesn't change much of the way gay people live together (there's plenty of heterosexual couples who disregard marriage and live in sin). The only argument I see against gay marriage is that it is opening the flood gate to allowing all other sorts of sinful laws. I know we should take a stand against immorality in our country and be an impacting effect on the people here, but we have lost power in the government. We have several rich, carefree, detached politicians who pass laws without asking us. Maybe our impact is more effective person-to-person? I don't have a good answer, but I'm not sure it changes much.

I think that we are a little too affixed on the issue of gay marriage, and have made homosexuals seems like extraordinary outcasts in the Christian community. It seems like almost every kind of sin/sinner is more accepted than the homosexual. For whatever reason, we have made homosexuality the line in the sand. I don't know why, but I do want to apologize to any and every gay person who has ever been truly victimized by the church. I won't apologize for calling sin "sin." Sin by any other name is still sin. The apology is for treating you all so poorly. I apologize for making several jokes in my life about gay people, and I apologized for the times when I have shown any hate toward you. You deserve better treatment from those under Christ (and myself) there is no doubt about that.There are 5 verses in the Bible dealing with homosexuality, but over 2000 dealing with giving to the poor. Yet some of the greediest people out there are church goers like me. I apologize for our sometimes twisted priorities and focuses. We need, I need, forgiveness.

Something that I can't emphasize enough is that sin is the same in God's eyes. My sin, your sin, "fag lovers," and Phelps alike- we are all sinners. What we deserve for our sin is death. God is totally holy and perfect, and because of that we are unworthy to be in his presence. I have darkness in my past that is as sinful as anyone else's on Earth. But God, in his incredible kindness, has given us Jesus to make us holy and worthy in God's sight. That's offered to anyone; all you need is need.

So what's the solution? I don't have a 12 step program for rehabbing homosexuals, or for any other sins you deal with. I didn't pull myself out of my own sins. You need Jesus...plain and simple. Cry out to God. The verse following 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 is "And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified,  you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." How great is that? I was once greedy, idolatrous, and sexually immoral, but I have been washed! Praise God that he is in the business of changing people.

I hope I have shown the love of Jesus to you and not left you without something to think about. I just hope that we could learn to love better and that we can make a difference in the world with our love. Anger won't solve our problems, and the government can't bail us out of our depravity, so let's try something different. I don't have to hold up, I just want to say that God love ya.


  1. Something to think about:
    Since it's a political issue, why should religion come into play at all? Yes, homosexuality is a Christian sin, and as a christian, we should hold ourselves and other christians accountable to it. But is it our duty to hold other people to our standards? In a nation where separation of church and state is meant to be strong, and all religions are treated equally, isn't pushing a religious virtue as basis for discrimination making us more of a theocracy than a democracy working for the good of its people? Politically, the only arguments against it are religious and shouldn't hold weight in a country devoted to equality.

  2. I don't disagree really...I believe real marriage is only recognized by God anyways, so I'm not sure I care or not who America says can get married. Religion is inevitably dragged into the issue, however, because religion is inseparable from my political views. My religion is not separate from every other part of my life.
