"8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! 10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!" - Romans 5:8-10

Monday, March 7, 2011


   Offering time is an interesting thing to watch at church. A lot of people leave immediately before or after the offering is taken up. That leads me to think that people either come to church just to get their good works for the week, then book it before they have to talk to anyone. Or, they want to consume a feel-good message, but not offer anything in return. Is it  necessary to give money every time you go to church, probably not. Should you make offering the pinnacle of your time at church, heck no. It's funny how we treat offering time as less holy than the singing or the message. Offering is an act of worship.

   Imagine if someone burnt the money that people put in the offering plate. People would be scandalized, outraged, furious, and completely hostile. That is pretty understandable. Something that I'm not sure people understand is that God is the one who has all the money. God does not need our money. What is money to God? I can't pay for anything at Walmart with monopoly money, and in the same way I can't buy favor with God with green paper. If I were to explain that to people, there is no way that they would understand that. People would find a way around my explanation, "You wasted money that could've helped people!" God has the money to help people. We are trying to separate the spiritual world from our physical one. Offering is a spiritual act.

   Another thing that I noticed about offering is that the people who put the most money in the plate do the least outside of the sanctuary. Disclaimer: there are always exceptions...to everything. People who pay the bills think that that's all they need to do. I recognize that giving is a spiritual gift, but I think everyone has the spiritual gift of stacking chairs. Disclaimer: there are still exceptions... You can't buy your way out of blue-collar service. You are never too good, maybe too old, for serving on your hands and knees. After all, Jesus washed feet, and no one payed a great price for the church to remain. Offering goes with service.

   Finally, offering is your life (Rom. 12:1). That concept is old hat, but not something we always apply. So, as a friendly reminder to you and I, our who lives are a spiritual act of worship, sacrificial service, and humble offering. Try tithing 10% of your time. Imagine spending almost 2.5 hours a day in fellowship with the Lord! Offering is a broad idea.

  Thanks for reading, comment if you'd like to. Keep pushing on saints.